Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The cultural and culinary chasm between Asia and the West – really, between Asia and the rest of the planet – is certainly no secret, has been long (if not always well) documented, and is now, for many reasons, both tantalizingly and challengingly closer and easier to taste and experience than at any time in history. Yet, has the West’s love affair with Asia, and/or Asia’s ventures westward, actually bridged or at least help bridge this most profound cultural divide? My current answer is a qualified “no” and borders on “this will never happen”. Yes, the efforts and opportunities to bring East and West, USA and PRC, together, are greater than ever and expanding quite rapidly: the love affair and the cultural and culinary exchanges and sharing, show no signs of slowing – just the opposite. Yet the difficulty of finding common ground on which to eat (some on the ground, others in chairs, actually) – agreement on fundamental culinary principles, if not practices – is monumental. Just how daunting is revealed the more one learns and experiences. I strive, personally and professionally, to learn, experience, and understand as much as possible of the cuisine of China, with one eye focused on bridging this Great Divide. The first stop is Hong Kong/Shenzhen. Talk to you then!

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