Cool, heavy, humidity hangs over both Chengdu and Chongching in Sichuan Province in Springtime, the natural richness of flora, fauna, and agriculture all enhanced by the stillness of the air.
Most every meal in
Steven Gendel, a.k.a Chef/Maestro, Tucson catering chef and part-time pianist, is traveling China with Fu Sha, native of Yueyang, Hunan, for 23 days. Hong Kong/Shenzhen; Chengdu and Chongching, in Sichuan; Changsha and Yueyang, in Hunan; and finally Beijing and Shanghai await. Gendel, keenly aware of the divergent cuisines from East and West, is brimming with enthusiasm for this journey, and blogging his culinary experiences along the way…
Cool, heavy, humidity hangs over both Chengdu and Chongching in Sichuan Province in Springtime, the natural richness of flora, fauna, and agriculture all enhanced by the stillness of the air.
Most every meal in
The cultural and culinary chasm between Asia and the West – really, between Asia and the rest of the planet – is certainly no secret, has been long (if not always well) documented, and is now, for many reasons, both tantalizingly and challengingly closer and easier to taste and experience than at any time in history. Yet, has the West’s love affair with Asia, and/or